代谢综合征(Metabolic syndrome, MS)作为脑卒中的关键高危因素可显著增加脑卒中的患病率及死亡率。众多研究表明,肠道菌群和脑卒中及代谢综合征之间存在着密切的联系。本文将脑卒中和代谢综合征视为一个复合的整体,综述代谢综合征相关性脑卒中患者的肠道菌群对其疾病的影响以及相关性研究进展。
Metabolic syndrome, as a key factor of stroke, can significantly increase the prevalence and mortality of stroke. Numerous studies have shown a close link between intestinal bacteria and stroke and metabolic syndrome. In this paper, stroke and metabolic syndrome are regarded as a composite whole, and the effect of intestinal bacteria on the disease and the related research progress of stroke patients with metabolic syndrome are reviewed.
Advances in Clinical Medicine