This analysis is concerned with the calculation of the elastic wave transmission coefficients and cou-pling loss factors among an arbitrary number of structural components that are coupled at a point. A general approach to the problem is presented and it is demonstrated that the resulting coupling loss factors satisfy reciprocity. A key aspect of the method is the consideration of cylindrical waves in two-dimensional components, and this builds upon recent results regarding the energetics of diffuse wavefields when expressed in cylindrical coordinates. The response displacement of each plate is calculated combined with the incident wave type and the incident wave amplitude, and then the corresponding response wave amplitude is obtained. The wave power can be calculated according to the wave amplitude and type, and then the transmission coefficient can be calculated. We discuss the coupling loss factor of the transmission between subsystems where the incident wave is plate incident and beam incident. Specific details of the method are given for beam and thin plate components, and a number of examples are presented.
Advances in Applied Mathematics