Stratified sampling technique is one of the sampling techniques widely used in practical work. But in the literature, there are no convenient generic R functions to solve the problem of point estimation and interval estimation of population mean and population proportion, the problem of total sample size and each layer sample size when calculating population mean, the problem of total sample size and each layer sample size when calculating population proportion, and the problem of point estimation and interval estimation of population mean and population proportion in post-stratification sampling, in stratified random sampling when only basic sample data are given. We compile nine generic R functions: Compute_Y_bar_st(), Compute_Y_bar_prop_from_y_bar_h_s_h_st(), Compute_Y_bar_srs_pst(), Compute_P_st(), Compute_P_from_a_h_st(), Compute_P_srs_pst(), Compute_nh_given_n_Y_bar_st(), Compute_n_nh_Y_bar_st(), and Compute_n_nh_P_st(), which will provide great convenience for users who need to use stratified sampling technology to improve the estimation accuracy for practical problem analysis.
Advances in Applied Mathematics