卫生服务机构的运作受到社区成员就医选择的直接影响,而研究社区成员的就医行为倾向则能为推动医联体制度建设提供有力的数据支持。本文数据取自2020年中国医院追踪调研,根据数据建立安德森卫生服务利用模型,并运用logistic回归模型模拟分析影响当代城市社区成员就医行为倾向的种种因素。本研究共选取调研对象4975例,其中女性2047例,男性2928例。有41% (2040)例的研究对象以三甲医院作为通常就医行为倾向。个人因素与卫生机构医疗水平是影响社区成员就医选择的主要原因(P 【0.05)。因此,重点提升社区基层医疗卫生机构的服务水平,加强全科医生与医联体制度建设有助于落实分级诊疗制度以及有序分配医疗卫生资源。
The operation of health service institutions is directly affected by the medical choice of community members, while the study of the medical behavior tendency of community members can provide strong data support for promoting the construction of medical association system. The data in this paper are taken from the tracking survey of Chinese hospitals in 2020, the Anderson health service utilization model is established according to the data, and the logistic regression model is used to simulate various factors affecting the medical behavior tendency of contemporary Shanghai residents. A total of 4975 subjects were selected, including 2047 females and 2928 males were selected. Forty-one percent (2040) of the subjects had Grade A hospitals as the usual medical behavior tendency. Individual factors and the medical level of health institutions are the main factors affecting the medical choice of community members (P <0.05). Therefore, it will focus on improving the service level of community grassroots medical and health institutions, and strengthening the construction of general practitioners and medical association system will help to implement the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system and the orderly allocation of medical and health resources.
Advances in Applied Mathematics