文章利用CGSS 2015数据,采用logistic回归方法研究了阶层认同和自评健康对居民商业养老保险参保行为的影响,并进一步验证了自评健康对居民参保的中介效应,最后对城乡和职业分样本进行了分析。主要结论如下:第一,阶层认同和自评健康对居民参加商业养老保险具有显著的正向影响。第二,自评健康在阶层认同和居民参加商业养老保险参保行为之间具有一定的中介效应。第三,无论是居民总体还是城乡分别来看,均对商业养老保险的参保具有显著正向影响,并且农村居民的阶层认同和自评健康对商业养老保险参保的影响远大于城市居民;农业工作和无工作人群中阶层认同对商业养老保险参保的影响更大,非农工作人群中自评健康对商业养老保险参保的影响更大。
The article uses CGSS 2015 data and uses logistic regression to study the impact of class identity and self-rated health on residents’ commercial pension insurance participation behavior, and further verifies the mediating effect of self-rated health on residents’ participation in insurance. The sample was analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows: First, class identity and self-rated health have a significant positive impact on residents’ participation in commercial pension insurance. Second, self-rated health has a certain intermediary effect between class identity and residents’ participation in commercial pension insurance. Third, both the overall population and the urban and rural areas have a significant positive impact on commercial pension insurance participation, and the class identity and self-rated health of rural residents have a much greater impact on commercial pension insurance participation than urban residents;class identification among agricultural workers and non-working people has a greater impact on commercial pension insurance participation, and self-rated health among non-agricultural workers has a greater impact on commercial pension insurance participation.
Advances in Applied Mathematics