The conditional diagnosability is an important measure of the reliability of interconnection network. The “condition” means that all adjacent processors of any processor cannot be potentially faulty at the same time. As an improvement of conditional diagnosability, h-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability has been proposed by Peng et al. under the assumption that every fault-free node has at least h fault-free neighbors, which is an important indicator of reliability of interconnection network in the case of vertices failure. In this paper, we first introduced and investigated the h-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of Möbius Cubes (MNQ). And we showed that the h-good- neighbor conditional diagnosability of Mo ?bius Cubes is (n-h+1)2h-1(0≤h≤n-3) under the PMC and MM* model, which can be several times higher than the classical diagnosability of MNQ.
Advances in Applied Mathematics