In this paper, we begin with the swift changes in the knowledge economy time,analyze the implication of the agility, and consider the agile virtual enterprise as the mainorganizational form for the manufacturing enterprises to realize agility. We classify the agilevirtual enterprises into products alliance style and knowledge alliance style, and compares theirmain features and profit distribution models. As a result, we give four basic structures for thebuilding and running of the agile virtual enterprises.
In this paper, we begin with the swift changes in the knowledge economy time,analyze the implication of the agility, and consider the agile virtual enterprise as the mainorganizational form for the manufacturing enterprises to realize agility. We classify the agilevirtual enterprises into products alliance style and knowledge alliance style, and compares theirmain features and profit distribution models. As a result, we give four basic structures for thebuilding and running of the agile virtual enterprises.
ThispaperissupportedbyNaturalSicenceFoundationofChinaunderGrantNo .70 2 72 0 34