目的 通过对近 8年重庆市高速公路致死性事故流行病学分析 ,探讨其特点及趋势。方法 回顾性分析重庆市法医验伤所 1 996年 1月~ 2 0 0 3年 3月高速公路致死事故尸体检验及情况报告。结果 其间共发生致死性交通事故 1 77起 ,死亡人员2 4 6人。 1 996年年度事故数及死亡人数均最低 ,2 0 0 2年最高。 1年中 1、3、8、1 1月份 ,1周中星期三、五、六 ,1d中 8:0 0~ 1 2 :0 0 ,1 2 :0 0~ 1 6 :0 0 ,1 6 :0 0~ 2 0 :0 0 ,2 0 :0 0~ 2 4 :0 0时段事故发生数较高。追尾碰撞和单人死亡事故位居事故类型首位。死亡人员中行人比例较高 (2 6 .8% ) ,主要是农民。车内人员中轿车驾驶员与乘客所占比例较大 (34.4 % )。头、胸部损伤是各类人员死亡的主要原因。结论 致死性事故及死亡人员呈现总的增加趋势。事故的发生、发展具有一定规律。应根据其特点 ,制定及实施相应的防治措施。
Objective Through epidemiology analysis of fatal traffic accidents on freeway in Chongqing during recent eight years,to explore commonly characteristics and trends.Methods Retrospective ananlysis was conducted on records employed from Chongqing University of Forensic medicine of postmortem examination on victims for traffic accidents on freeway in Chongqing,which occurred between Jan of 1996 and March of 2003,and relative situation reports.Results Among the 177 fatal traffic accidents,fatalities were 246.The figure of annual fatal accidents and fatalities in 1996,respectively,was the lowest compared with other years,which is the highest in 2002.On January,February,March,April in a year and Wednesday,Friday,Saturday in a week and 8:00~12:00,12:00~16:00,16:00~20:00,20:00~24:00 in a day,comparatively,accidents were easy to happen.Pursue bump and single fatality stood on the first in the type of accidents.Peasants were the mainly casualties in pedestrians who owned big proportion in the total(26.8%).Victims involved in saloon cars had higher percent among those inside vehicles(34.4%).The main causes of death were head injury and thorax injury.Conclusion Fatal traffic accidents and fatalities gradually increased over the last eight years.We find their occurrence and development had some rules.Prevention and control measure should be established and implemented according to accidents′ characteristics.
Chongqing medicine