
外语学习焦虑的心理学和神经生物学分析 被引量:68

Analyses on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety from Perspectives of Psychololgy and Neurobiology
摘要 语言焦虑是制约外语学习的主要情感变量之一,已经引起了外语学习研究者的广泛关注。然而,审视语言焦虑研究的发展历程发现,以往研究缺乏对外语学习焦虑的心理成因的深度分析。从精神分析论、行为主义和人本主义等现代心理学理论和神经生物学理论对外语学习焦虑的成因进行剖析,努力揭示出形成外语学习焦虑的根源,并在此基础上重点探讨了语言焦虑成因研究对外语教学的启示意义。 It is universally acknowledged that language anxiety, one of affective variables, has produced a profound negative effect upon language learning. A critical review of the development in research on lan-guage anxiety over the past three decades reveals that the previous research work fails to analyse the deep -rooted causes of foreign language learning anxiety. This paper intends to present an initial and insightful analysis of its deep psychological causes from the theoretical perspectives of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism and neurobiology with a special emphasis on its enlightenmenton foreign language teaching and learning.
作者 李炯英
机构地区 东南大学外语系
出处 《天津外国语学院学报》 2004年第4期46-51,共6页 Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
关键词 语言焦虑 外语学习 心理成因 language anxiety foreign language learning psychological causes
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