从群落水平上研究了余杭苦竹种群的生物量结构。结果表明 :(1)余杭苦竹种群的现存生物量为 10 2 82 .12 g· m-2 ,其中地上部分为 6 113.6 7g· m-2 ,占 5 9.4 6 % ,地下部分为 4 16 8.4 5 g· m-2 ,占4 0 .5 4%。各组分别为 :秆 4 0 86 .4 4g· m-2 ,枝 10 17.82 g· m-2 ,叶 10 0 9.4 1g· m-2 ,鞭 35 87.4 2 g·m-2 ,篼 5 81.0 3g· m-2 ;(2 )苦竹种群中各个体生物量在 1~ 4龄级的分配依次是 :4 .33%、2 5 .6 0 %、5 3.81%和 16 .2 6 % ;(3)苦竹种群中各构件单位生物量在不同年龄分株上的分配亦有差异 ,地上部分含量逐渐上升 ,而地下部分含量逐渐下降 ;(4)秆、枝、叶的平均含水率分别为 4 6 .97%、4 9.75 %、5 9.4 2 % ,以秆最少 ,叶最多。
In this paper, the biomass structure of Pleioblastus amaruspopulation in Yuhang was studied at the level of community. The results showed: (1)The standing crop of Pleioblastus amaruspopulation was 10 282.12 g·m -2 , in which the biomass aboveground and underground were 6 113.67 g·m -2 ,4 168.45 g·m -2 respectively. The biomass of different fractions of Pleioblastus amaruspopulation was 4 086.44 g·m -2 for stems, 1 017.82 g·m -2 for branches, 1 009.41 g·m -2 for leaves, 3 587.42 g·m -2 for rhizomes, 581.03 g·m -2 for fine roots respectively. (2)The biomass from 1 to 4 age class in Pleioblastus amaruspopulation were 4.33%、25.60%、53.81% and 16.26% respectively. (3)The distribution law of the biomass of modular units in ramets of different age was different. (4)The mean moisture content of the stem, branches and leaves were 46.97%、49.75%、59.42% respectively.
Journal of Bamboo Research
浙江省科学技术厅资助项目 (0 0 110 2 2 0 4 )
Pleioblastus amaruspopulation
Biomass structure
Moisture content