商法意义上的信用指的是商主体所具有的履行承诺的经济能力及其对外表现的可信赖性而获得的社会评 价。信用既具有人格利益,也具有财产利益,通过信用对货币的置换可以达到为公司聚集一定量的资本的目的。在 必要时,并经其他股东同意时信用应被视为股东的有效出资。从建立信用的社会考虑,在我国应实行折衷资本制。
The definition of credit is that commercial body has the capacity of performing promise and getting other's trust. Credit is personality character because it is relation to personal benefit. Credit is incorporeal property, which make company to gather capital. Because the modern capital includes credit, which becomes shareholder's effective funds for the company under other shareholder's consent. Also shareholder can share the company's profit on basis of his credit. On the purpose of building of credit society, it needs to change double track's capitalist system to compromise capitalist system.
Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law