1Andrea Sironi, 2000, " An Analysis of European Banks SND Issues And Its Implications For The Design of A Mandatory Subordinated Debt Policy" 被引量:1
2Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2001, "The New Capital Accord" , January 2001 被引量:1
3Cem Karacadag, Animesh Shrivastava. 2000, "The Role of Subordinated Debt in Market Discipline: The Case of Emerging Markets" , IMF Working Paper 被引量:1
4Eugene Nivorozhkin, 2001, "An Analysis of Subordinated Debt in Banking: the Case of Costly Bankruptcy" ,Working Papers in Economics no 44 被引量:1
5Federal Reserve Study Group on Subordinated Notes and Debentures 1999, "Using Subordinated Debt as an Instrument of Market Discipline" , Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System. Stuff Study 172 被引量:1
6Mark Levonian, 2001. "Subordinated Debt and the Quality of Market Discipline in Banking" , Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, mimeo 被引量:1