的 建立正常人口腔粘膜不同部位表面感觉的正常参考值 ,并测试各年龄组感觉值是否存在差异。方法 利用动静两点辨别觉试验 ,测试 90例健康人口腔粘膜不同部位的表面感觉。结果 舌尖感觉功能最好 ,其次为舌背、舌腹、颊粘膜、口底和硬腭。健康人的口腔粘膜不同部位的表面感觉随着年龄增长有显著性变化。结论 口腔粘膜不同部位感觉辨别力存在差异 ,健康人口底、舌腹、舌背、颊和硬腭粘膜感觉功能有增龄性变化。
Objective To determine the normal values for functional sensation of different oral mucosa region and to critically assess difference of sensory discriminative values for different age groups.Methods Static and moving two-point discrimination was tested in three age groups.The surface sensibility of different oral mucosa region was evaluated.Results The tongue tip was the most sensitive area,followed by the dorsal lateral tongue,ventral lateral tongue,buccal mucosa,floor of mouth and hard palate.There was statistically significant difference in functional sensation of oral mucosa among three age groups.Conclusion There are regional differences in sensory discrimination of oral mucosa.In healthy adults,it is apparent that age-related changes of sensation of the dorsal lateral tongue,ventral lateral tongue,buccal mucosa,floor of mouth and hard palate can be observed.
Journal of Modern Stomatology