

On Jiang Zemin's Thought of Science and Technology
摘要 以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体 ,根据社会历史背景、经济发展态势和时代特点 ,继承和发展了马克思主义的科学技术思想 ,建立了适合中国国情和适应社会发展规律的科学技术思想体系。江泽民的科学技术观是马克思主义科技思想的新发展。阐述了江泽民同志从战略高度说明科学技术的现代意义 ,以及科技创新、科学精神。 Comrade Jiang Zemin, at the core of the third generation of the central collective leadership of CPC, under the historical conditions of social and economical development with the features of the times, has gradually shaped and developed the systematic theories and thought of science and technology suited to China's specific conditions and social development rules, which is a continuation and new development of Marxist thought of science and technology. This paper expounds how Comrade Jiang Zemin inherits and develops Marxist thought of science and technology by his strategic interpretation of the meanings of science and technology, as well as the technological creation and innovation, scientific spirits , and scientific and technological ethics, etc.
作者 郭杰忠
出处 《江西农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Jianxi Agricultural University :Social Sciences Edition
关键词 江泽民 科学技术观 马克思主义科学技术思想 科技创新 科学精神 科技伦理 Jiang Zemin thought of science and technology Marxism new development
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