通过分析阿尔金断裂带西段车尔臣河出山口以西 85°~ 86°E的高精度SPOT卫星影像 ,结合野外考察和年代学研究 ,对阿尔金断裂带西段 3个典型走滑断层的断错地貌进行了研究。在库拉木拉克 ,阿尔金断裂带西段自 (6 0 2± 0 4 7)kaBP以来的左旋滑动速率为 (11 6± 2 6 )mm/a ,自 (15 6 7± 1 19)kaBP以来的左旋滑动速率为 (9 6± 2 6 )mm/a ;阿羌牧场附近 ,自 (2 0 6± 0 16 )kaBP以来的左旋滑动速率为 (12 1± 1 9)mm/a ;达拉库岸萨依附近 ,自 (4 91± 0 39)kaBP以来的左旋滑动速率为(12 2± 3 0 )mm/a。由此得到阿尔金断裂带全新世以来的平均滑动速率约为 (11 4± 2 5 )mm/a。以阿尔金断裂带走向N75°E计算 ,阿尔金断裂带西段左旋走滑所吸收的青藏高原SN向缩短速率为 (3 0±0 6 )mm/a。
As the northern boundary of the Tibet Plateau,the Altun Fault runs more than1500km from Lazhuglung,Tibet Autonomous Region to Kuantanshan,Gansu Province,separating the Tibet Plateau from the Tarim Basin.The fault is one of the longest strike-slip faults in China,and the research of it may pro-vide important information about the formation and evolution processes of the Tibet Plateau. The displacement and slip-rate of the Altun Fault is a topic full of disputation.Because of its signifi-cance to the formation and evolution of the Tibet Plateau,different estimates of slip-rates and displacement on the Altun Fault have been proposed in various models of the evolution of the Tibet Plateau. This paper focuses on the late Quaternary slip-rate on the Altun Fault west to the Qarqan River.On the basis of the analysis of SPOT images of this region,three typical sites including Koramlik,Aqqan pas-ture and Dalakuansayi were chosen for field investigation.To calculate the slip-rate of the fault,displace-ment of terraces were measured on SPOT satellite images or in-situ during the fieldwork,and the ages were dated by thermo-luminescence method.To get the ages of terraces,samples of sand were collected from the uppermost sand beds just beneath the loess.The method of calculating the slip-rate of a fault is to divide the displacement of a ridge lies between two neighboring terraces of one river by the age of the lower ter-race.The displacements of rivers are not considered in this study because of its uncertainty. At Koramlik,the slip-rate of the Altun Fault since6.02±0.47ka BP is11.6±2.6mm/yr,and since15.76±1.19ka BP is9.6±2.6mm/yr. At Aqqan pasture about30km to the west of Koramlik,the slip-rate of the fault since2.06±0.16ka BP is12.1±1.9mm/yr. At Dalakuansayi,the slip-rate of the fault since4.91±0.39ka BP is12.2±3.0mm/yr. The average slip-rate of all above is11.4±2.5mm/yr,which is the average slip-rate of the western segment of the Altun Fault since Holocene.This result is close to the latest result
Seismology and Geology
国家自然科学基金 (4 9972 0 70 )
地震科学联合基金 (10 1110 )资助