目的 作者对长爪沙鼠血液生理生化 33项指标进行测定 ,比较国内饲育不同地区长爪沙鼠种群。方法 实验动物空腹 1 2h ,次日眼球采血 ,分两组 ,分别检测生理和生化指标。结果 年龄的差异对大多数血液生理生化指标影响较大 ,性别差异除GLU、CK、CRE、UA、TG、GOT、CHO、ALP、LDH、RBC、HGB、MCHC、PLT、WBC、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比例外 ,各指标均不受影响。结论 饲育不同地区长爪沙鼠大多数生理、生化指标差异较大 。
Objective Thirty three indexes of hematological and biochemical parameters in eighty mongolian gerbils were mensurated and compared between different sexes and regions. Methods The blood of laboratory animals was taken from eyeball after fasting of 12 hours for measuring hematological and biochemical parameters. Results Most hematological and biochemical parameters were influenced by age difference,and there were no significant differences by sex except GLU,CK,CRE,UA,TG,GOT,CHO,ALP,LDH,RBC,HGB,MCHC,PLT and WBC. Most hematological and biochemical parameters were also different by region difference. Conclusion The rearing condition and age difference were important influencing factors of these indexes.
Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
北京市 2 48工程科技重大项目 (实验动物保障支撑体系的建设 -"长爪沙鼠生物学特性研究"
H0 2 0 2 2 0 0 5 0 3 90 )