戴浩一《以认知为基础的汉语功能语法刍议》一文产生了重大影响 ,但是他关于汉语时间系统认知基础的看法是值得商榷的。本篇运用词源学方法 ,全面探讨了汉语时间顺序说法的认知来源 ,认为 :(1)将时间和事件结合起来 ,从旁观察其先后次第 ,造成了汉语主要的“前、后”观念。(2 )“时间如流”的隐喻 ,主要造成汉语时间的“上、下”观念 ,进而影响到词义发展和语法格式。(3)足之所立、眼之所见者为“今、现” ;原在目前空间 ,而终逝去者为“去” ;推想将移入现今者为“来”。
James H-Y Tai's paper Cognitive approach to Chinese functional grammar (Linguistics Abroad, 1990, 1991) has proved to be influential. This paper reexamines his position on the cognitive base of time conceptualization in Chinese. Tai holds that the Chinese notion of time is more or less similar to the English conception of time in terms of spatial metaphors. He argues that Chinese conceives time in two ways. One is that time is seen as if it would approach the perceiving person. The other is that the perceiving person would approach time. It is shown in this paper that a more realistic description of Chinese conception of time is that, instead of the perceiving person approaches time, he observes events taking place. The prototypical feature of Chinese conception of time is event-based.
Contemporary Linguistics