砂西银铅锌矿床产于燕山晚期黑云母二长花岗岩体外接触带上 ,矿体赋存于上三叠统图姆沟组变质砂岩、板岩中的北北西向顺层破碎带内 ,矿石矿物以铅锌铁硫化物为主 ,主成矿元素银铅锌的资源量达大型以上规模 ,属中低温热液型富银铅锌矿床。
Shaxi Ag-Pb-Zn deposit as mesothermal and epithermal Ag rich Pb Zn deposit is confined to the exocontact of the late Yanshan biotite adamellite rockbody, and orebodies occur in NW trending bedding fractured zone of metamorphic sandstone and slate of the Upper Triassic Tumugou Formation. Pb Zn Fe sulfides are main ore minerals. The deposit is a large deposit in terms of total Ag or Pb or Zn resources. There is large prospecting potential in the depth and periphery.
Acta Geologica Sichuan