当前在禁毒工作中 ,吸毒人员回归社会是一大难题 ,也是制约整个禁毒工作的“瓶颈”。吸毒人员回归社会难主要是由于社会原因、家庭原因、吸毒者自身的原因和不良交往等多元因素造成 ,这些因素相互交织影响 ,互为因果 ,致使吸毒人员难于回归社会 ,从而衍生出诸多严重社会问题。
In current drug control,drug users are hard to come back society. The problem holds up the total drug control like a neck of bottle. The problem results from community,family,the drug users themselves and communication with bad peers. The factors are closely connected with each other and produce many serious social problems.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College