目的 通过对 10 2例面部深度烧伤治疗方法的临床总结 ,找出修复面部烧伤创面的最佳方法。方法 ①小面积烧伤合并面部烧伤 ,深Ⅱ度及Ⅲ度烧伤行早期削痂 ,创面新鲜时一期大块植皮 ,若削痂不彻底 ,早期行异体皮或生物皮覆盖 ,二期大块植皮。②大面积烧伤合并面部烧伤 ,早期行四肢切削痂植皮 ,待病情平稳后 ,约 2~ 3周后 ,面部创面溶痂或剥痂后行大块植皮。③大块植皮时均予脸缘粘连。④创面愈合予康瑞保、瘢痕敌加弹力网套加压 ,局部小瘢痕皮内注射激素或 (及 )手术切除。⑤半年~ 1年后行脸缘粘连分离。结果 10 2例患者均获满意疗效。结论 大块植皮及术后抗瘢痕治疗为防治面部瘢痕挛缩畸形的关键。
Objective To find out the best method for treating deep degree facial burn. Methods 102 cases of facial deep 2nd degree and 3rd degree burns were treated with great skin graft and eyelids fused operation. Results 102 cases all were cured and gained better results. Conclusion Great skin grafting was effective for promoting facial deep degree burn and reduce the facial scar.
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