2 1世纪的高等师范教育应培养什么样的人才 ,这是高等师范教育必须正确定位的问题。本文认为 ,2 1世纪高等师范教育应培养“自我实现”型人民教师 ,这是社会历史的必然。“自我实现”型人民教师具有与以前所不同的特性 ,为了完成这一培养目标 ,高等师范教育应进行一系列的改革。
n the 21st century, what kind of talent should be cultivated is a imperative problem for the higher normal education to realize. higher normal education should cultivate teachers of self-realization type, and it's a necessity under the development of society and this type of teachers will have a characteristic which is different from that in the past. For the sake of this, cultivative goal, a host of reforms should be made in higher normal education
Jingdezhen Comprehensive College Journal