脉冲暂态混沌神经网络 (PTCNN)是对暂态混沌神经网络的改进 ,呈现丰富的动力学性质 ,具有很强的跳出局部最小点的功能 ,在解决无约束非线性规划问题时 ,可以找到包括全局和局部最小值的尽量全面的最优解。当遇到带约束条件的非线性规划问题时 ,只有对约束条件进行合理处理 ,才能更有效地解决约束非线性规划问题。文章使用惩罚函数方法对含有约束条件的非线性规划问题进行处理 ,将其变成一个不含约束条件的非线性规划问题 ,进而用PTCNN求解 。
Pulse Transiently Chaotic Neural Network (PTCNN) can find almost all optima including the part optima and the global with its abundance dynamical characteristic, when is used in nonlinear non-constrained optimization. The optimization problem is first unconstrained by virtue of non-differentiable exact penalty function, and is further solved by PTCNN. It is showed by an example that this method is efficient.
Strategic Study of CAE