目的 探讨结肠双对比造影 (DCBE)对溃疡性结肠炎的诊断价值 ,并对其病因及鉴别诊断进行分析。方法 回顾性分析 87例由DCBE检查发现经肠镜或手术证实的溃疡性结肠炎的X线表现。结果 溃疡性结肠炎的X线表现为病变自直肠逆行向上连续性发展 ,早期 :结肠边缘见针刺状突出 (或棘状突起 )及正面的“靶样征” ;急性期 :出现“锯齿征”、“钮扣征”和“鹅卵石征” ;慢性期 :局部肠腔呈铅管样狭窄及假息肉形成。结论 对于溃疡性结肠炎 ,DCBE是目前最佳的X线检查方法 ,根据病史、进展方式和典型X线征像 ,本病较易诊断 ,不难与其他炎性结肠病变鉴别 ;安全性好 ,价格低廉。
Objective To study the clinical application value of double contrast barium enema (DCBE) in the diagnosis and differentiation of ucerative colitis (UC) and to analyze the aetiology. Methods The findings on DCBE of 87 cases with UC,whose pathologic finds otained by operation or colonoscope were reviewed and analysed. Results Ulcerative colitis usually starts in the rectum and may extend proximally (no skip lesions).This early change is spur or target sign which can be observed on the colon conture.Serrated sign botton sign and cobblestone sign were found in the active stage.In the chronic stage region narrowing of colonic lumen is as like as leaded tube,and pseudpolyps formation were seen. Conclusion The DCBE is better than other radiologic technique in the diagnosis of UC.According to the history,the progressive attern and the findings on DCBE,the diagnosis may often be made onit.It isn't difficult to differentiate it from other inflammatory disease of the colon.
Guangzhou Medical Journal