目的 观察Twinblock矫治器矫治替牙期或恒牙初期下颌后缩畸形的临床效果。方法 选择23例下颌后缩畸形患者。用Twinblock矫治器进行矫治。结果 经过14~20个月的治疗,23例患者的下颌后缩畸形得到矫治,面型得到改善。结论 Twinblock矫治器可矫正下颌后缩畸形且疗效稳定。
Objective To evaluate the effect of Twinblock appliance during the treatment of madibular retrusion during the mixed and early permanent dentition. Methods 23 cases with madibular retrusion were treated with Twinblock appliance. Results All cases with madibular retrusion were corrected after 14-20 months treatment. Conclusions Twinblock appliance can achieve remarkable effects of growth modification of dentognathic system. The effects of the treatment of madibular retrusion are affirmative.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment