郭嵩焘归隐观的内涵是丰富的 ,它不是消极的避世 ,而是一种迂回的入世。“经济之学”即经世致用 ,是湖湘文化的精髓。作为湖湘文化近代产儿的郭嵩焘无疑深受其熏染 ,即使在归隐期内 ,也不忘解决现实问题 ,为国为民分忧解难。他批判封建教育 ,主张经世实学。郭嵩焘二十余年隐居期间 ,执掌城南书院、创办思贤讲舍、倡议恢复湘水校经堂。郭氏从事的具有新式大学雏形的学校教育活动 ,实实在在地走着教育救国的经世道路。
The meaning of the seclusion taken by Guo Songtao is abundant-not a passive way to avoid the reality but an indirect approach to contacting it. The pragmatist ideology becomes the marrow of Hu-Xiang Culture. Guo Songtao, the admirer of this culture, was gradually influenced by it. In spite of the hermitage period, he also wished to solve the problems in the real society to lessen the sufferings of the people, criticized feudal education system, and asked for sound scholarship for the students. During more than twenty years of solitude, Guo taught in Chengnan Academy, created Sixian College, and proposed to restore Xiangshui Textual Criticism Institute. He paved the way for administering state affairs and saved the country by means of education.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
Guo Songtao
Hu-Xiang Culture
the seclusion