18 96年《中俄密约》签订后 ,日本政府为对抗俄国 ,开始对华“修好”外交 ,对清朝内部的各政治力量消长十分关注 ,注重培养联日、亲日力量 ,尤其注重联络当时的实力人物和新派人物。戊戌变法中 ,日本政府表露出赞许和同情 ,但援助甚少 ;戊戌政变后 ,则公开或私下救援维新党人 ,阻止废除光绪帝 ,多次劝告清朝实行温和主义 ,并参加了各国派兵北京、迫甘军撤离的联合行动 ;自第二次山县有朋内阁成立后 ,外相青木周藏对华进行“务实”外交 ,将其目光再次放在实力人物身上。自此之后 ,日本在华的影响力大大提升。
After China and Russia signed a secret pact in 1896,Japan tried to enlist China as an ally against Russia,and paid close attention to the changing political fortunes of different forces at the Qing court.They strove to cultivate pro Japanese forces and set up relations with influential and progressive figures.Japan was sympathetic to the 1898 Reform,although it provided little substantive help.When the Reform failed,the Japanese government secretly helped the reformers and prevented the conservatives from dethroning Emperor Guangxu.It also repeatedly urged the Qing government to adopt moderate policies and took part with other countries in the joint military action which forced the Gansu army to withdraw from Beijing.After Yamagata Aritomo was re elected the Prime Minister of Japan,the Foreign Minister Aoki Syuzo carried out“pragmatic”diplomacy with China,and again tried to make friends with powerful figures.Japanese influence increased greatly after this and it soon replaced Great Britain as the country with the greatest influence on China.
Historical Research