吴越建国后 ,镇海、镇东两军与唐朝时的镇海、镇东两军已大不相同 ,在与中原王朝关系方面已不具备方镇体制的内涵。建国后的王国体制由三个系统构成 ,丞相系统成为权力中枢 ,两军系统不再专擅地方大权 ,两军的地位为王国所取代 ,方镇徒有其名 ,其体制在吴越国已经解体。诸州升军 ,也不符合方镇作为州以上的道级行政实体的固有特征。从各种权力关系来看 ,吴越国已形成集权政治 ,体制的转换已经完成。
After the establishment of Wuyue as an independent state,Zhenhai jun(军)and Zhendong jun ceased to be fang zhen of the Tang dynasty,although the name remained the same.Theoretically,the power of the regime was divided by the premier and the two jun.However,all power actually went to the central government represented by the premier,and fang zhen no longer controlled local power.Fang zhen as a system declined in Wuyue.The practice of raising zhou to jun did not conform to the then administrative system.Judging from the power relations,it is safe to say that a system transformation took place in Wuyue and a centralized politics took form.
Historical Research