本文对明代重要韵书《重订司马温公等韵图经》的声母系统进行了描写和构拟。并利用近代语音史上一系列韵书资料 ,特别是与《图经》互为体用的韵书《合并字学集韵》 ,对《图经》声母音系进行了横向、纵向比较研究和深入探讨。由此揭示了《图经》所代表的明末北京音系声母系统的一些重要特点。
The Re-settled Classical Phonological Diagram by Sima Guang(重订司马温公等韵图经) is an important work of traditional phonology written in the Ming Dynasty(明). This paper describes its initial consonant system, and then re-constructed it. It also compares this system both synchronically and diachronically with those works dealing with the early modern Chinese phonology, especially The Comprehensive Rhyming Dictionary(合并字学集韵), which is the companion volume of The Re-settled Classical Phonological Diagram(重订司马温公等韵图经). The paper reveals some significant characters of the initial consonant system of the Peking phonology at the last stage of the Ming Dynasty(明).
Research in Ancient Chinese Language