目的 :开发和研制国产无托槽隐形矫治系统 ,以最终应用于口腔正畸临床 ,矫治各类常见的错畸形。方法 :自行开发和研制了先进的层析扫描技术 ,获得数字化正畸用牙颌模型的STL文件 ,研制了应用于无托槽隐形矫治系统的牙颌畸形计算机辅助诊断与矫正过程计算机辅助设计的应用程序软件 ,可对建立的数字化三维牙模型进行三维旋转观察并进行各项牙齿、牙弓、基骨等项目的测量和分析 ,并自动输出模型的各项测量结果及诊断意见。应用本软件系统可实现可视化的三维矫正辅助过程 ,通过激光快速成型设备进行输出母模 ,并通过压膜成形器制作各个治疗阶段的系列透明隐形矫治器。结果 :开发和研制了无托槽隐形矫正技术的硬件设备系统及相应的软件系统 ,并可实现三维可视化的错畸形矫治模拟过程 ,并制作出每个矫正阶段的系列透明隐形矫治器 ,该矫治器具有无托槽、美观、舒适、可随时摘戴、高效、卫生及患者复诊次数少等特点。结论 :首次开发和研制了国产正畸无托槽隐形矫治系统 ,填补了我国在这方面的空白 。
Objective:The purpose of the study was to research and develop a Chinese made bracketless and invisable orthodontic treatment system for clinical application to treat malocclusions.Methods:With the advanced destruction scanning technique,three dimensional digital model STL files were obtained.A newly developed CAD and CAM orthodontic softwear system was used for three dimensional measuremnt and analysis of the dental casts.Finally,orthodontic treatment progresses were simulated visably and three dimensionally on the computer,with series of invisable,transparent appliances made according to each step by the laser molding technique.Results:The hardwear and softwear systems were both developed for the application of invisable orthodontic treatment system.Conclusion:The first Chinese made invisable orthodontic treatment system has been developed.This orthodontic appliance is bracketless,esthetic,comfortable and hygienetic.
Beijing Journal of Stomatology
北京卫生重点学科 (1 999)卫科重字 0 4号