阅读是一个认知和言语交际的过程 ,而阅读过程是一个能动的、积极的思维过程 ,是一个人脑中心理信息相互作用与反应的过程。作者根据自己的教学实践 ,阐述了英语专业阅读课教学过程中应注意的问题 ,总结了自己教学的经验和教训。
Reading is a cognitive and communicative process. And the reading process is a dynamic and active mental process,is the interaction of the new and old information and its response in one’s brain. The author states the problems special attention should be paid to during the teaching of extensive reading for English majors. She also summarizes experience and lessons drawn from her teaching. All this is of practical and realistic significance.
Journal of Xinjiang Education Institute