江苏苏州昆山的绰墩遗址 ,良渚期、马桥文化层中的孢粉组合揭示了古代先民的生存环境是亚热带森林和广泛发育的湖塘沼泽 .良渚期的先民对森林有所破坏和利用 .太湖平原约 5 70 0calyrB .P .以来 ,森林中阔叶树种的减少 ,以及针叶树的增多 ,主要原因可能是受人类活动的影响 ,气候影响不明显 .良渚文化的消亡 ,若是自然环境灾害引起 ,则与 43 0 0~ 3 10 0calyrB .P .
The pollen assemblages correlating with Liangzhu and Maqiao culture stage at the site of Chudun in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, indicate that the ancestor's living environment is the subtropical forest and extensively developed swamp environment, the ancestor deforested and took advantage of forest resource in a way for that period. The decrease in broadleaved trees and increase in conifer pollen after 5?700?cal yr B.P. may mainly caused by human activities and there is no obvious evident shows that it have something to do with the climate. If the disappearance of Liangzhu culture is caused by natural disaster, it may have close relation to the trace to source deposit between 4?300~3?100?cal yr B.P. in Taihu area.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目 (SKLLQG0 40 3 ) .