

Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Working Properties of Miniature Electricity-powered Pulverizer
摘要 文章根据作者多年设计、制造、维修小型电动磨浆机的经验,对影响其工作性能的诸因素,进行了必要的理论分析,并对如何通过设计、制造、调整等方面采取措施,以改善小型磨浆机的工作性能,提出了一些可行的意见。 Theoretical analysis on the factors affecting the working proper- ties of small-sized electricity-powered pulverizer is put forward here according to the author's experience in designing, manufacturing and repairing it for many years. In order to improve the function of this kind of miniature pulverizer through taking measures in design, manuf- acture, and adjustment, some advisable suggestions are also put for- ward in this article.
作者 朱峻峰
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1992年第A09期16-20,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
关键词 砂轮 磨浆机 电动磨浆机 pulverizer fineness venting rate of residue power consumption
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