通过滤纸片法从泡菜水中分离到 480株抗生物质产生菌 ,以杯碟法复筛 ,筛选到 1株类细菌素产生菌HF0 8,经鉴定为瑞士乳杆菌 (Lactobacillushelveticus)。HF0 8产类细菌素最适条件为 :以2 %葡萄糖为碳源 ,1 %蛋白胨和 0 5 %酵母膏为氮源 ,培养基起始pH5 5 ,3 7℃静置培养 48h。对该类细菌素生物学特性进行初步研究 ,发现用蛋白酶K处理发酵上清液后 ,抑菌活性丧失 ;该类细菌素具有较好的热稳定性 ,显示抑菌活性的pH值范围是 3 5~ 5 5。 0 0 0 2mol/LK+和Mn2 +对其有激活作用 ,Fe2 +、Cu2 +、Ca2 +有抑制作用 ,而Na+和Mg2 +对其影响不大。
HF08, a strain that produces bacteriocin-like substance,was screened by cylinde-plate method in 480 bacteria producing antibiotic substance from pickle by paper disk test and was identified as Lactobacillus helveticus. Its optimal bacteriocin-like substance-producing conditions were as follows:2% glucose as carbon source,1% peptone and 0.5% yeast extract as nitrogen source,initial pH5.5 and culture temperature 37℃ for 48h. There was no inhibitory activity when the supernatant was treated with proteinase K. This kind of bacteriocin-like substance has very high heat stability and its active range is pH3.5~6.0. The inhibitory activity was stimulated by 0.002mol/L K + and Mn 2+ but inhibited by Fe 2+ , Cu 2+ and Ca 2+ while Na + and Mg 2+ had few effect.
Food and Fermentation Industries