元代和平居民的以暴抗暴斗虎 ,是在亲人先行受到猛虎伤害 ,不得已与来自自然界的凶狠“仇敌”殊死搏斗。这不同于先秦猛士斗虎 ,也不同于唐人主动性地去射虎 ,而是被动性地以暴抗暴的复仇。汉族知识分子地位沉沦和价值失落 ,使之更加关注于平民的日常生活和喜怒哀乐 ,在斗虎抗暴的歌咏中 ,还隐约地宣泄了元代文人内心的不平和郁闷。
During the peaceful period of Yuan Dynasty, people's fight with tigers,which was actually meeting the cruelty with violence, was conducted when their relatives had been formerly hurt by the ferocious tigers and they had no alternatives but to put up a life-and-death struggle with the fierce 'enemy' from nature.This is a sort of eye-for-eye revenge taken in a passive way. It's different from the warrior's fight with tigers in Pre-Qin Days, and it's not same as people's hunting tigers of their own accord either. The fallen social status and loss of values of the Han intellectuals made them pay closer attention to common people's daily life and their feelings such as happiness, anger, grief and joy.In reality,in the folk songs of fighting with tigers against savageness, these men of letters in Yuan Dynasty also gave vent to their pent up feelings and resentment indistinctly.
The Northern Forum
Yuan Dynasty
struggle with tigers
fight against ferocity
gallant spirit