目的 研究老年严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)患者的临床特点 ,以期提高老年人SARS的诊治水平。 方法 对 66例老年SARS患者的年龄分布、基础病、主要症状、临床特征、用药特点、病程及病死率进行回顾性分析 ,并与同期收治的 2 3 8例非老年SARS患者进行比较。 结果 老年SARS患者占同期 3 0 4例SARS患者的 2 1 7%。其基础病发生率 (87 9% )、病程 (2 8 1± 13 6)d、呼吸困难的发生率 (54 5% )、重症的发生率 (53 3 % )、病死率 (2 2 7% )均高于非老年SARS患者 (均为P<0 0 1)。 结论 老年SARS患者并存慢性基础疾病是其病重率和病死率高的主要原因 ,积极防治其基础病 。
ObjectiveTo elucidate the clinical characteristics and the outcome of SARS in elderly pat ients. Methods Clinical data of 66 elderly patients(≥60 years) with SARS were analysed and compared with that of 238 younger adult SARS patients(18-59 years) in the sa me period. Results Sixty-six out of 304 patients(21 7%) with SARS were more than 60 years. Th e mortality rate of SARS in elderly patients was 22 7%. Underlying disease,lon ger course of disease,dyspneic respiration,severe type of SARS,and higher mor tality were more prevalent in elderly patients than those in the younger adult S ARS patients(P<0 01 and P<0 001). Conclusions The prevalence of underlying disease and clinical complications in elderly pat ients might be responsible for the severe type and the higher mortality in these patients with SARS.
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics