目的 应用声学密度定量 (AD)方法对老年高血压病人心肌超声背向散射成像 (IBS)进行分析 ,探讨其临床诊断应用价值及意义。方法 按 1 999年 WHO高血压治疗标准并应用超声心动图仪检测 64例老年男性住院病人 ,其中正常组 31例 ,高血压组 33例 (高血压病史均 >3年且治疗时间均 >1年 ) ,比较各组室间隔心肌 IBS的 AD诸参数。结果 Loop和两种触发方式声学密度曲线的峰值密度 (pi)、曲线下面积 (auc)高血压组均高于正常组 (均 P<0 .0 5)。结论 长期高血压和衰老致心肌组织纤维化进一步加重 ,致声学密度参数显著改变 ,其可作为简单。
Objective To investigate the clinical usefulness and significance of ultrasonic tissue characterization with integrated backscatter in the old patients with hypertension.Methods Thirty-three patients with old hypertension and 31 normal subjects were enrolled in this study. We measured two parameters of the ultrasonic tissue characterization with integrated backscatter and acoustic densitometry: the peak intensity (pi) and the area under the curve (auc). These parameters were measured at the interventricular septum.Results Pi and auc were significantly higher than those of the control group ( P <0.05, respectively). Conclusions Acoustic densitometry is a simple, effect and noninvasive method in evaluating of myocardial histological abnormalities in old patients with hypertension.
Chinese Journal of Gerontology