
铀在植入贫铀片和取片大鼠体内的动态变化和分布 被引量:2

Distribution of uranium in rats with implanted and removed depleted uranium fragments
摘要 目的 研究贫铀 (DU)弹片嵌入软组织后 ,铀在机体内的分布、动态变化 ,以及取片对铀浓度的影响。方法 将DU片植入大鼠肌肉 ,取片组在植入后第 5天取出DU片 ,在植入后第 1,3,7,15 ,2 0 ,2 6天收集样本 ,预处理 ,用激光荧光法测定铀含量。结果 植入DU大鼠所有样本铀浓度均显著高于正常对照组 ,尤其是肾脏、卵巢和胸骨铀浓度更高 ;单片组植片部位的肌肉铀浓度远高于未植片部位 ,其余组织铀浓度显著高于取片组。结论 植入DU片大鼠体内铀分布的主要器官是肾脏、卵巢和胸骨 ;取出嵌入的贫铀片可大大减少组织内的铀浓度 ,同时应剪去周围的肌肉组织。 Objective To determine the distribution of uranium in rats with fragments of depleted uranium (DU) implanted in muscle and the residual influence of removed uranium fragments. Methods Rats were surgically implanted with sterilized DU within muscle under anesthesia.At 5 days after implantation,the fragments were removed from rats in several groups while they were not removed in the other groups.At 1,3,7,15,20, and 26 days after implantation,tissue samples were collected from all animals.Using a lazer phosphorescence analyzer,uranium levels were measured. Results At all time points,uranium concentrations in all samples in the implanted rats were significantly greater than those in the control group,especially in kidney,ovary and sternum.Uranium concentrations in most samples in the implanted rats were greater than in the rats with removed fragments. Conclusion Kidney,ovary and sternum are the primary organs for uranium redistributed from intramuscularly embedded DU fragments.Removing DU fragments and excising the surrounding muscles would reduce the uranium concentrations in tissues in the implanted rats.
出处 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期105-107,共3页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection
基金 全军"十五"指令性课题 ( 0 1L0 61)
关键词 贫铀 大鼠 激光荧光法 体内分布 放射性损伤 Depleted uranium Distribution Kinetics Implanted fragments
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