Jiangxi Province has 162 000 000 mu red clay, mainly located in hills, After the liberation , the study and development of red clay started early and made progress rapidly, especially during 10 years of the reform and open, the achievements has been very outstanding, in which there was a piece of successful experience, i. e. , the combination of agriculture, forestry and livestock husbandry, and stereoscopic comprehensive development. The combination included : 1. macroscopic and stereoscopic allocation had been done very well, and various stereoscopic phytobiocenoses and the types of planting and raising had been established according to the characters of landforms in hills; 2. The use of materials had been improved and its value had increased as to make ecological, economic and social efliciency increased at the same time; 3. forestry and fruits were main, bur intercropping, in-terplanting and mixed cropping were adopted in forest and fruit gardens to make full use of lands, resources in the nature and shorter plant providing higher plant with nutrients; and 4. from the point of full plan, valley development and its management mountains, rivers and fields were integrately managed , and the management of mountains, rivers and fields was considered as fundamental, key and base, respectively.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
Development of red clay
Stereoscopic agriculture
Combination of agriculture, forestry and livestock husbandry
steroscopic phytobiocenose
Integrate management