目的 :评价经胆囊管残端输尿管导管胆道引流在胆总管探查、胆管Ⅰ期缝合术中的应用价值。方法 :回顾分析经胆囊管残端输尿管导管胆道引流应用于完成开腹胆总管探查、胆管Ⅰ期缝合术 1 86例病例。结果 :全组 1 86例均手术成功 ,术后无胆漏、胆管狭窄等并发症。术后 5~ 7d拔管 1 83例 ,术后 1 0d拔管 3例 ,无拔管并发症发生。术中结石取净率为 99.5 % (1 85 / 1 86 )。术后住院时间为 (6 .5± 3)d。随访 1 86例 ,时间 1~ 5年 ,平均 3年 ,B超检查无胆管狭窄。结论 :经胆囊管残端输尿管导管胆道引流在开腹胆总管探查、胆道Ⅰ期缝合术中的应用 ,对预防术后胆漏、胆总管狭窄以及对术后遗留病变的诊断和治疗有广泛的应用价值。该方法安全、可靠。
Objective:To evaluate the applied value of bile duct drainage with ureter catheter via stump of the cyst duct in primary suture of the bile duct wound after common bile duct exploration.Methods:One hundred and eighty six clinical cases were analyzed retrospectively using this method.Results:All cases were undergone operation successfully. There was no complication such as bile leakage and bile duct stricture. The ueter catheters were withdrawn in 5~7 days postoperatively in 183 cases and in 10 days postoperatively in 3 cases. There was no discomfort after removing catheter. The rate of cleaning stone was 99.5%(185/186). Average hospitalization time after operation was (6.5±3)days. 186 cases were followed up,and the average follow up time was 3 years. No bile duct stricture was found with B type ultrosonography in follow up cases.Conclusion:This method has extensive clinical value for diagnosis and treatment to prevent postoperative bile leakage,bile duct stricture and postoperative remnant diseases. This method is safe,trustworthy and effective.
Journal of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery
common bile duct
primary suture of the bile duct wound
bile duct drainage
ureter catheter