
长江流域一次暴雨过程的模拟对行星边界层参数化的敏感性研究 被引量:1

Research on the Sensitivity of Rainstorm Simulation to the PBL Parameterizations over the Yangtzi River Basin
摘要 用MM5对长江流域的一次暴雨进行模拟考察其对行星边界层参数化的敏感性。不同的边界层参数化表现在不同的地表通量和垂直混合设计上;;本文分析了MM5中4个主要方案地表通量和垂直混合参数化方案的不同以及它们对降水强度、落区和时间的影响。研究还发现;;地表通量对暴雨模拟结果的影响比垂直混合方案要大。 MM5 was employed to investigate the sensitivity of the simulation to the planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterizations through the simulation of a rainstorm over the Yangtzi River Basin. The PBL schemes in MM5 show apparent different in their formulations of the vertical mixing and the surface flux each other. Analysis was focused on the impacts of the surface fluxes and the vertical mixing in 4 selected PBL parameterizations on rainstorm intensity, region and time. The results indicate that the parameterizations of surface flux exert much stronger influence on the rainstorm simulation than the parameterizations of vertical mixing.
出处 《新疆气象》 2004年第2期4-6,10,共4页 Bimonthly of Xinjiang Meteorology
基金 科研院所社会公益研究专项2002DIA20013资助 。
关键词 边界层 地表通量 垂直混合 暴雨 MM5 PBL the surface fluxes vertical mixing rainstorm MM5
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