广西北部湾海域有儒艮 (Dugong dugon)、中华白海豚 (Sousa chinensis)、江豚 (N eophocaena phocaenoides)及其它海豚等珍稀海洋哺乳动物 ,过度捕捞、人为伤害、生存环境的人为缩小及海草的破坏使得儒艮、中华白海豚已经成为濒危物种。建议开展基础性科学研究。
in the Beibu Gulf of Guangxi Province,which results from human activities such as over fishing and the area of habitat reduced,the destruction of seaweed.To conservate these marine mammals,the basic scientific researches for these animals and the education for raising public consciousness of conservation should be carry out.The management should be strengthened.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences