目的 探讨炎症性成肌纤维细胞瘤 (IMT)的CT诊断价值并与病理对照。方法 回顾性分析 14例IMT的CT表现。其中男 8例 ,女 6例 ,年龄 1~ 6 1岁。临床主要症状为发热。全部病例均经手术病理证实。将CT表现与病理进行对照分析 ,探讨其CT表现的病理基础。结果 14例IMT发生于鼻窦内和 (或 )周围 3例 ,乳腺、气管内、肠系膜及腹膜后各 2例 ,左肺、胃及右大腿各 1例。CT征象为等圆形或类圆形结节或肿块 ,可有浅分叶 ,大小 1~ 30cm ;10例边缘清晰、4例不清晰 ;内部密度较均匀 10例 ;增强扫描肿瘤 4例呈中度强化 ,10例呈明显强化 ;4例内部可见中心瘢痕 ;4例肿瘤与周围组织粘连 ;邻近器官受压移位 9例。病理上可见成肌纤维细胞增生和炎症细胞浸润。结论IMT的CT征象与病理表现相一致 ,CT检查有助于IMT的正确诊断和鉴别诊断 ,对明确病灶范围有重要的价值 ,可以指导临床选择合理的治疗方案。
Objective To evaluate CT diagnostic value for inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) and to correlate CT findings with pathology.Methods CT manifestations of 14 cases of IMT were retrospectively analyzed. The patients included 8 males and 6 females, and the age ranged from 1 to 61 years. All cases were confirmed by operation and pathology. Results Among the 14 cases, the lesion located inside/nearby the paranasal sinuses in 3 cases, the lesion each occurred in breast, inside trachea, in mesentery, and in retroperitoneal space in 2 cases, and the lesion each located in left lung, inside stomach and in right leg in 1 case. The main CT signs of IMT showed as follows: The tumor presented as round or nearly round nodule or mass from 1 to 30 cm in diameter. The tumor margins were clear in 10 cases, but unclear in 4 cases. Sometimes the mass has slight lobulation. 10 cases were relatively homogeneous in density. After injecting contrast medium, 4 cases were mild enhanced and 10 cases were obviously enhanced. The central scar could be seen inside the tumor in 4 cases. The tumors were adhered to adjacent tissue in 4 cases. Neighboring organs were compressed and displaced in 9 cases. Proliferative myofibroblast and inflammatory cell infiltration could be seen pathologically. Clinical main symptom was fever. Conclusion CT findings of IMT are well corresponded with pathology. CT examination can help to make the diagnosis and differential diagnosis. It is very useful for mapping the extension of IMT and choosing the perfect treatment ways.
Chinese Journal of Radiology