In China, there is a lack of IT literacy among primary and secondary school teachers, thus the application of IT in the learning and teaching process has been far from satisfactory. The task of IT literacy training among teachers is arduous as the content, model and outcome of existing practices must all be re-examined. A new set of methodologies and concepts for teachers' IT literacy training should be followed so as to answer the needs of the IT development in education. Different levels of IT literacy should be formulated. Teacher's experience and the various teaching problems have to be taken into account and interaction and collaboration should be the emphasis. The author of this paper has conducted a survey of IT literacy training among primary and secondary school teachers and puts forward an autonomous model for IT literacy training for teachers. According to this model, teachers acquire IT literacy through the teaching tasks in their discipline and learn the application of IT in their field of teaching. The various elements in this model are: enrollment, learning tasks, self-training, resource support, problem solving, examination and accreditation.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education