优质不育系绮 A与优质恢复系 10 2 5配组而成的感温早籼组合绮优 10 2 5在南宁种植 ,早稻全生育期 130 d,晚稻 112~ 114 d左右。一般每 hm2有效穗 30 0~ 330万 ,每穗粒数 15 0~ 170粒 ,结实率 80 %~ 90 % ,千粒重 18.5~19.5 g。米质优 ,除垩白米率、垩白度外 ,其他检测指标均达国标优质米三级以上标准。2 0 0 1年 12月通过广西品种审定。
Qiyou 1025 is a thermosensitive indica type early hybrid rice combination matched by MS line Qi A and restorer line 1025. Its growth duration in early season and late season in Nanning are about 130d and 112~114d, respectively. The combination performed with characteristics of : 3 ~ 3.3 million/hm 2of the effective panicles, 150~170 of the grain number per panicle, 80% ~ 90 % of the rearing rate, 18.5~19.5g of 1000-grains weight and good grain quality. The grain quality indexes, except the rate of chalk rice and the chalk degree, all are matched the national standards of 3 rd class. The combination was approved by Guangxi Crop Evaluation Council in Dec. 2001.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences