
SDL料位控制技术在莱钢750m^3高炉上的应用 被引量:1

Application of SDL Burden Level Control Technique in 750m^3 BF of Laigang
摘要 针对750m3高炉原有料位检测装置中称重料位检测法和振动料位检测法存在检测准确性差,仅能作为备用检测手段,而PNF-1201型核辐射料位计易发生料位测量信号故障,导致高炉休风、慢风的问题,决定采用SDL型闪烁料位计对PNF-1201型核辐射料位计进行改造,使料位检测信号的可靠性大大提高。应用表明,高炉由改造前的平均每年发生料位测量信号故障7.7次、休风12.8h、慢风41h,达到零故障。 Because the measuring results of weighing burden level examining method and vibrating burden level examining method in original burden level examining device of 750m^3 BF have error, it can only be to use as reserve device. Due to PNF-1201 nuclear radiation burden level meter is easy to produce trouble, BF's wind off and slow wind can be caused. Through using of SDL scintillation burden level meter to reform PNF-1201 nuclear radiation burden level meter, the reliability of burden level measuring signal is increased greatly. The application has proved that the trouble ratio has been up to zero from producing burden level signal trouble 7.7 times, wind off 12.8h, slow wind 41h mean every year before reforming of BF.
出处 《山东冶金》 CAS 2004年第2期12-13,共2页 Shandong Metallurgy
关键词 高炉 料罐 料位检测装置 闪烁料位计 核辐射料位计 料位控制 炼铁 BF burden pot burden level examining device SDL scintillation burden level meter nuclear radiation burden level meter
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