目的 总结颈动脉内膜切除术治疗颈动脉狭窄和闭塞症的经验。方法 1999年 1月至 2 0 0 3年 7月 ,共为 5 9例患者进行颈动脉内膜切除术 6 4次。男 4 0例 ,女 19例 ,年龄 5 6~ 79岁 ,平均 71 8岁。颈内动脉狭窄程度均大于 80 %。左侧 35例 ,右侧 19例 ,另有 5例为双侧。一侧颈内动脉完全闭塞 8例 ,12例为分叉部狭窄 ,其余均为颈内动脉狭窄。均在全麻下进行了颈动脉内膜切除术 ,其中 5例因管腔较小进行了补片 ,2例因外膜撕裂用自体大隐静脉行颈总动脉与颈内动脉搭桥术。结果 本组有 5 5例获满意疗效 ;1例于术后第五天死于高灌注综合征、脑疝 ;1例于术后第 31天突发“心肌梗死”死亡 ;2例因颈内动脉远端已完全闭塞 ,剥除后无回血 ,术后病情无改善。并发症有声嘶 1例 ,颈部血肿 5例。
Objective To sum up the experience of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) Methods From January 1999 to July 2003,59 patients were treated by CEA There were 40 males and 19 females,and their age ranged from 56 to 79 years with an average of 71 8 years The stenotic degree of internal carotid artery were over 80% in all cases The left lesions were in 35 cases,and the right in 19,and the bilateral in 5 Patching were in 5,bypass with a great saphenous vein in 2 Results Fifty five cases were excellent Two patient died, one was caused by hyperperfusion syndrome,the another was due to the acute cardiac infarction at 31 days after operation The complications included 5 hematosis and 1 hoarseness Conclusion CEA is still the best method in treating the stenosis and occlusion of carotid artery
Chinese Journal of Surgery