1986年1月~1991年5月,我院收治诊断明确的颅内转移性肿瘤110例,本文就其来源、潜伏期、临床表现和CT 征象进行分析。68例原发肿瘤确诊后出现颅神经症状者诊断较易;另42例因首发精神神经症状而误诊为神经内科或神经外科疾病,其中36例在1~10个月内确诊,6例始终未找到原发灶。本文结合临床表现与CT 征象着重讨论诊断和误诊原因。
One hundred and ten cases ofmetastic brain tumors admitted inour hospital from Jan 1986 to May1991 were reported and their ori-gins,incubation period,clinicalmanifestations as well as CT scanfindings were also analysed.Thediagnosis of brain metastasis waseasy in 68 patients who had neu-rological symptoms after the con-firmation original cancer sites.The other 42 cases were misdiag-nosed as primary diseases of cen-tral nervous system,because theneurological symptoms occuredfirst.of them,36 were proved asmetastatic brain tumor one to tenmonths later,however,of 6 casestheir original cancer sites were notfound until death.The key causesof misdiagnosis were in intensivelydiscussed.