Zhuyou was one of the healing arts in ancient China. Some ancients thought that certain diseases, especially mental disorder, were caused by evil spirits. It is said that Zhuyou masters were able to interpret the cause of onset and process of a disease and to force the evil spirits out of the patient's body. This paper is a preliminary survey on some of the important ancient literature of Zhuyou therapy. Based on certain historical and cultural context, the author finds that the principle of this therapy is of great significance in terms of therapeutics. The language and action used in Zhuyou therapy was similar (of course, not equal) to modern psychotherapy. Moreover, Zhuyou was mostly practised with herbal medicine, physiotherapy, Daoyin, Qigong and other physical exercises, which could be the basic reason for the effects of Zhuyou therapy. (I wish to acknowledge the support I received from the University of Ottawa's History Department in my studies. To the Department, this article is dedicated.)
Studies in The History of Natural Sciences