以分离群体mRNA反转录的cDNA为模板进行AFLP分析 ,在保留AFLP多态性丰富、稳定性高、无需了解序列信息等优点的同时 ,集中显示基因组表达序列的多态性差异 ,已逐渐发展成为基因差异表达显示、表达基因遗传连锁作图和基因克隆的常用方法。本文介绍了作图群体组配、总RNA提取与mRNA分离、cDNA合成、AFLP分析、转录图谱多态性分析作图等cDNA AFLP分析的主要技术。
cDNA AFLP techniques, during which cDNA reversely transcripted from mRNA of segregation population is used as templates and polymorphism differentiation of genomic expression sequences are mainly displayed while advantages of AFLP such as abundant polymorphism, high stability and dispensation with sequence information are preserved, has been developing as a common method to display gene differential expression, construct genetic linkage map of expression genes and clone genes. This paper introduces cDNA AFLP techniques for genome transcriptome map construction, such as mapping population preparation, total RNA extraction and mRNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, AFLP analysis and transcriptome map construction.
Molecular Plant Breeding