
亨利·卢斯之中美相似论 被引量:1

An Analysis on Henry Luce's Idea of Sino-U.S. Similarity
摘要  亨利·卢斯对于20世纪前半期中美关系的影响在主流的研究视角中没有得到应有的重视。他得以成为中美关系史上的重要人物确非偶然。这是一位典型的美国至上主义者,有着深刻的宗教背景,特殊的中国情结,控制着一个影响非凡的舆论王国。他坚信美国正面临着承担一个强国的使命,因此有义务在全球范围内展现它的政治、经济和文化影响,而中国则是一片理想的试验田,一个美国化中国的出现,将是美国完成其强国使命的有力证明,"中美相似论"正是为了实现这一"强国梦想"而精心设计出来的。在亨利·卢斯控制时代公司的20多年里,"中美相似论"帮助塑造了美国主流的中国印象与舆论,从而形成了一种对于政府决策的公众压力。 Henry Luce was a controversial figure in the history of Chinese and American relationship. He was the most important creator of American images of China due to his control of the Time Inc. and his special emotion to China. He felt that there existed a emotional pull because of the similarity between the U.S. and China, that China would one day develop in America's image.Therefore,he held steadfastly the idea that the U.S. and China would form the perfect union and the U.S. would fulfill its destiny of being the strongest country in the 20th century.By following this idea, he started a countrywide propaganda about an Americanized China in 1930s and 1940s. Actually, his view was obviously paternalistic and the primary way in which he did that was to misrepresent China to the American people. All the images he created and fostered on China finally were proved as illusions, and the so-called Sino-American harmony had never existed in his times.
作者 林红
出处 《江西教育学院学报》 2004年第2期101-105,共5页 Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education
关键词 亨利·卢斯 中美相似论 美国 中国形象 国民党 蒋介石 中国情结 时代公司 Henry Luce Sino-U.S. relationship Chinese image the Kuomintang JIANG Jie-shi
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  • 1Hersey Hohn. Henry Luce's China Dream [ J ]. New Republic, 1983 ,May 2. 被引量:1
  • 2Jespersen T. Christopher, American Images of China (1931-1949) [M]. Stanford, California, Stanford University Press, 1996. 被引量:1
  • 3Jessup John K.. The Ideas of Henry Luce[M]. New York:Atheneum, 1969. 被引量:1
  • 4Luce Henry. An address at a Special United Nations Service in tribute to China [ N ], UCR - USC Papers, box 48,1942 -12-13. 被引量:1
  • 5UCR. American Attitudes Towards China[N]. UCR_USC Papers, box65,1943 - 07 - 08. 被引量:1
  • 6China's Pacific Northwest [ J ]. Time, 1938, Jun, 13. 被引量:1
  • 7The New China[J]. Fortune 1941 ,Apr. 16. 被引量:1
  • 8China's potential Pennsylvania[ J ]. Time, 1938, (7). 被引量:1
  • 9Garside B. A. What the Chinese Revolution Means to America[N]. Speech Broadcast, Congress Library, Washington,UCR - USC Papers, box65,1944 - 10 - 10. 被引量:1
  • 10Luce Henry. A letter to Winthrop Aldrich[ N]. Congress Library, Washington, UCR- USC Papers, box48, 1944-05-06. 被引量:1









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